Whether you want to capture a selfie, get a family picture or just admire the twinkle of the lights, check out where you can find Christmas trees here in Dublin, Ohio.
Bridge Park
You will find two trees lit up for the season in Bridge Park - one just outside the Longshore garage and another just outside the Mooney garage. Keep your eyes peeled for Santa and head out for dinner at one of Bridge Park's many restaurants after!
Historic Dublin - BriHi Square
While you're out supporting local retailers in Historic Dublin, don't forget to stop at the corner of Bridge and High Street where you'll find the square decorated for the season! Plus, you'll find a tree aglow with the twinkle of the season!
Coffman Park
Standing 30-ft tall at Coffman Park, this tree will be lit up during Dublin's Virtual Tree Lighting on December 4! Enjoy entertainment featuring Santa and other special guests from the warmth of your home to kick off the holiday season. A display of 40,000 sparkling LED lights will illuminate Coffman Park from Friday, Dec. 4, through Sunday, Jan. 3. Drive down Coffman Park Drive to see the lights and the City’s 30-foot illuminated tree any night between those dates.
For more holiday inspiration, click here.