Organizational Overview
Visit Dublin enhances the quality of life for area residents by attracting visitor spending, consumer interest and entrepreneurial investment into the community.
Visit Dublin Ohio collaboratively advocates for responsible and sustainable growth that reinforces its innovative promotion of the community to both area residents and visitors from around the world.
Dublin will be a premier global city of choice.
Visit Dublin Ohio was founded as a non-profit corporation in 1988 as the result of the bed tax legislation passed by Dublin City Council.
Organization Structure
Visit Dublin Ohio is a private, non-profit, 501 (c)(6) organization. The affairs of Visit Dublin Ohio are managed by its Board, which consists of 15 trustees and 8 ex-officios. The Trustees represent the following segments -- two from the community; two at-large; two from Dublin City Council; two from Dublin hotels; two from Dublin attractions; and two Dublin corporations.
President & CEO
Visit Dublin Ohio has a chief executive officer whose position is that of the President. The President is in charge of all operations of Visit Dublin and is responsible to the Board of Trustees from whom direction is taken.
Funding/Bed Tax
Visit Dublin Ohio receives 35 percent of the annual lodging or hotel/motel tax from the City of Dublin.
The bed tax is collected from Dublin hotels as a percentage of the nightly fee for hotel rooms whenever rooms are in use. The bed tax in Dublin stands at 6 percent. In addition, a sales tax of 7.5 percent and a 4 percent county tax create a total tax of 17.5 percent for the visitor.
By ordinance of City Council, remaining funds from the bed tax are used by the City of Dublin to make improvements to the community that will enhance the city’s appeal and attract more tourists to Dublin. Six broad categories are used as guidelines when considering bed tax applications. They include: projects/events that appeal to Dublin visitors and tourists, cultural arts, beautification of public property, historic district improvements, special events and other projects which will enhance the City of Dublin.
Click here to view Visit Dublin Ohio regulations and bylaws.